Cinch Technologies

Cinch Technologies


Our Existence

Inspired by the challenges faced by organisations today and how powerful IT platforms can provide the best solutions, Cinch Technologies was established to provide flexible yet robust solutions to organisations big and small. Our applications are a fresh breed of software class that are scalable, customisable, intuitive yet affordable.

Our core competencies in Unified Systems Architecture, Iterative Business Processing, Intelligent Data usage, Predictive Modelling, Collaborative Communication Technology, Distributed Remote Management systems and multi access channels for interaction enables our customers to share intellectual ideas, encourage deeper research, bring products to market quicker in a manner that save costs and delivery time, it empowers companies to pave their way to success by adapting a customer – centric approach.

Strategically poised between software providers offering single specialised applications, tailor made coded systems or self-service customisation; our solutions are perfect hybrid offering unified platform to avoid using several different software’s, carefully crafted customisation to suit your organisation needs, and instant delivery and usage so you can be up and running in no time.

Cinch Technologies have pioneered the right combination of business entrepreneurship and network collaboration to give organisations the edge required to excel in the global marketplace. While our innovative techniques bring simplicity into the complex matrix of organisational behaviour, our products help with the successful development and growth of organisations of every size and type

Fully customisable software to fit your business needs